Signity Solutions 应用

Learn Yoga 1.0
It’s “Learn Yoga” app for your mobile device for you to utilize thebenefits of yoga asanas and exercises to get relief from the mostcommon ailments. It is a best collection of videos of the famousyogic gurus like Baba Ramdev, Paschimottanm, Peggy Cappy amongothers who will give you live demonstration of the yoga exercisespertaining to the particular diseases or health issues like• Heart diseases• Diabetes• High Blood pressure• Obesity• Arthritis and• Asthma.You can also find brief description of some of the important andmost common yoga poses which are really beneficial in cure or inprevention of the above mentioned ailments.It is our effort to help you to understand, learn and performyoga that pertains to the above mentioned health issues. Eachcategory has particular description about the yoga asanas and yogaexercises including links of videos from you tubes of the famousyogic gurus. You can learn yoga and follow them every day to redeemextreme benefits of yogic exercises.Since centuries yoga has proved beneficial in curing andpreventing of many of the diseases. Yoga means to yoke or unite andattain spirituality and peace through postures, breathingtechniques and movements as a means of holistic health.There are many types of yoga practices which range from mostcalm posture Hatha yoga to the more challenging Ashtanga yoga. Allthe yoga techniques have tremendous health benefits. Yoga helps inbuilding your immune system, increase your muscular range ofmotion, purifies toxins from your blood stream and this list goeson and on.According to the studies, diseases of the heart diseases can beprevented and even cured by bringing in changing in life style andgetting healthy heart. Though surgery and drugs can cure heartproblems but are not the ultimate healers. Yoga exercises cannotonly prevent several heart diseases but also enhances overallhealth of the person and retains healthy heart for the lifetime.The same is true with other health issues or ailments. You canimprove or even cure your asthma attacks through proper yogalearning and performing yogic exercises.Features of the yoga app•Categorization of Most Common Health Issues•Few Links to videos from you tube of famous gurus/teachers whichis related to that particular disease.•Explanation of asana or exercise in simple language•Follow your own regime and redeem the benefits of yoga•Best support•Easy navigation•Is compatible with all versions.Yoga learning and yogic exercises every day through yoga app canhelp you to gain many other health benefits too besides above. Sodownload the app fast and enrich your life yogic way.
Bhagwad Gita Saar 1.1
This app presents Bhagavad Gita in simple English including videosof each Adhyay or chapter in Hindi, English, Sanskrit, and originalVedic language for you to learn and understand the moral values andlessons for us all.Bhagavad Gita is divided into 18 Adhyays and 700 verses. Oureffort is to explain each Adhyay briefly and in simple words so asa common man can also understand and redeem the benefits of thegolden words of the lord Krishna. You can read the description andwatch videos of each verse of Gita as if Lord Krishna himself hasdescended on the earth to explain discourses to Arjuna in thebattlefield of Kurukshetra just before the start of the battle.It’s Features:-Categorize in Eighteen Chapters-Explanation of each Chapter in simple English-Links of Videos of Each Adhyay from youtube-Available in all versions-Grasping interfaceBhagavad Gita is a part of Mahabharata, which is a largest epicof the world. Though it is center to the religious doctrines ofHinduism yet the lessons or values inscribed here are universal.Each lesson and philosophy mentioned in Bhagavad Gita has its ownrelevance and importance in the today’s world.The message of Bhagavad Gita in the today’s world is simple. AsLord Krishna says in the Chapter 6:3, “For a sage who wishes toattain Yog, action is said to be the means, for the one who isestablished in Yog, even his quietude is said to be the means”.In other words, you can either perform your duties while beingattached thinking that you are the achiever or you can act in asimilar way without feeling attached to the materialisticpossessions thinking that God is doing the same. This kind ofaction or this performance is called as Yagya or Karma Yog in Gita.By performing these actions, you can be free from the sorrows andgrief of old age and death and attain immortality.Bhagavad Gita app is available in all the versions for you toavail its ample advantages. Whenever you feel like, just click onthe app, and read, watch and listen to the discourses of LordKrishna and adopt the moral values in your daily life. You willsoon feel spiritually enlightened.
Hindi Prayers & Geeta Saar 1.11
Now you can listen to lot more and best collection of Hindi Prayersand Bhajans, in respective categories of:- Movie prayers (including school players)- Aartis- Bhajans- SatsangWith addition of 18 Adhyays (Chapters)of Bhagavad Gita only foryou.As Lord Krishna says in 18th Adhyay 18, Shaloks (verses) 65-66of Bhagavad Gita, “Let your mind be constantly directed towards me;be devoted to me; dedicate all your actions to me; prostrateyourself before me; over and above the claims of all Dharmas(duties) is complete surrender to me and me alone".You can direct your mind to the discourses of your Gurus andimmerse yourself in the golden words of Geeta Saar, any moment andduring any time of the day.To have the full essence of the worship and to help you in easynavigation, the app has been divided into different sections foryou select and involve in the form of worship you would like todelve into.Section One is “Geeta Saar”: It’s a brief explanation of eachAdhyay of Bhagavad Gita with videos from youtube for you to clearlyunderstand the Lord’s lessons for the human race. Each Adhyay isexplained in simple English with videos in Hindi, English, Sanskritand original Vedic language.Bhagavad Gita is a part of Mahabharata, largest Hindu epic ofthe world. It is center to the religious doctrines of Hinduismexplaining about the importance of prayer, worship and Bhaktithrough the discourses of Lord Krishna to Arjuna in the battlefield of Kurukshetra. When Arjuna was unable to determine righteousaction and deed, Lord Krishna, as his charioteer made him thenunderstand his duties and righteous deeds, which are true for thewhole human race.Bhagavad Gita has been divided into 18 Adhaya and 700 verseswith each Adhaya presents Lord’s lesson for Arjuna and through himto all human beings.Section 2 are Movie Prayers: These are collection of mostpopular prayers from Hindi movies which has touched the heart ofmillions.These movie prayers are as old as “Jaise Suraj kee Garmi Se” andour childhood hindi prayers including below:- Tumhi ho mata pita tumhi ho- Aai Malik tere bande hum- Itni shakti hamhe dena data- Tu Pyar ka sagar haiOr the latest ones like- O’ Palanhare, Nirgun aur Nyare and Khwaja Mere Khwaja Dil MeinSamajaAnd others.These prayers had been the delight of our ancestors,loved bytoday's generation and will be listening and adored by the genrenext. They are beautifully inscribed golden words from the goldenvoices of our most famous singers like Lata Mangeshkar, Vani JaiRam, Chandrasekhar Gadgil, Sharma Pandu, Manadey and legendaryGazal Singer Anup Jalota, among others.Section 3 are Bhajans: These are the expression of your deepestdevotion for God manifested through music. The app has most popularBhajans in the voice of famous singers to make you deeply immersein Bhakti. Here too you can listen to the Bhajans of Asha Bhonsle,Anup Jalota Jagjit Singh, Gulshan Kumar, Satinder Singh Sartajamong others.Section 4 are Aartis. This form of prayer depicts highest formof your love towards God. You can witness and see the live Aartisas they are being performed in temples. It is performed one to fivetimes every day at the end of the prayer by circulation of Aartiplate or Aarti lamp around deity followed by a song in the praiseof your lord or a person.Section 5 is Satsang: You can just relax at home and still joinin Satsang of your Guru. You can listen to the discourses of SriSri Ravi Shankar, Osho, Asa Ram Bapu, Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj, SantNirankari Baba and others.Through easy to use navigational options, the app can createwonders in your life as you can search, hear and make others too toinvolve in the deepest form of worship, prayers and “Surs ofDivinity”.
Healthy Recipes 1.5
Now look out for more delicious and nutritiousrecipes for healthy and wealthy life for yourself and your familyin your “Healthy Recipes” app absolutely free. Take the advantageof this free app to cook varieties of dishes for yourself and yourfamily. You can have additional collection of recipes in eachcategory, both vegetarian and non-vegetarian including vegan, sugarfree desserts and even salads.What makes the app unique is the selected choice of recipes itprovides for anxious mothers who are health conscious about theirfamilies.The app also has some quick meal recipes too which are faster tocook, are rich in nutrient content and equally delicious.These recipes are best for the working mothers who have to rushfor work and are worried for their family’s health too.With beautiful interface and simple features, the app can bevery useful for the people whose passion or profession is cooking.Divided into different categories it makes it easy for the peopleto make a choice of their favorite recipe.-Quick Meal recipes-Low Fat/Low Calorie dishes-North Indian-Sugar Free Desserts-Salads-VeganIn Quick Meal Recipes: This category has quickly prepared anduniversally liked recipes. In both the non-vegetarian andvegetarian sections, the collection is of carefully chosen recipeswhich are quickly prepared, healthy and delicious too. Each dishcan be prepared within 20 minutes.Low Fat/Low Calorie dishes: This section yet again has both thenon-vegetarian and vegetarian collection but that too low fat/lowcalorie dishes. Each recipe also includes the nutrient content soas you are sure of the calorie count and fat content each dishcontains. It is a smartest way to satisfy the food requirements ofthe family.North Indian Dishes: North India is famous for its spicy fooditems. Whether it is butter chicken or Chole Bhutare, people of allover the world love their taste. If you also would like to catchthe spicy taste, these North Indian easy to prepare recipes arejust for you. There are favorite and most popular dishes of NorthIndia.Sugar Free Desserts: If you are sugar conscious, yet love sugaryand mouthwatering sweat dishes, here you have some of the bestrecipes. These are specially designed with less carbohydrate, lessfat and less sugar for health conscious people. Each recipe isfollowed by the amount of the nutrient content it contains. Whetherit is a chocolate, pudding or a cake, you can eat it to yoursatisfaction as all these dishes are sugar free or have very lessquantity of sugar with less carbohydrates or fat.Salads: Suppose if the salads of different fruits or vegetablesare prepared in an innovative way yet retaining its original flavorand nutrient content, people will sure to add it in their every daymeals. The app has different types of salad recipes from differentfruits or vegetables according to the season too. Just add yourcreativity and flavor in the salads and assure of healthy and bestlife of your family.Vegan: Here are some delicious and full of nutrient content mostpopular Vegan dishes too. These Vegan foods can be quick toprepare, healthy, light and tasty. Majority of the people fromacross the globe are preferring plant based dishes in their everyday meals. It is our effort to give the best Vegan recipes for youto nourish your families with plant based dishes.So what are you waiting for? Download "Healthy recipe" app freeand keep yourself and your family healthy and happy.
Simple Math for Kids 1.8
This maths app for kids, "Simple Maths forKids" is a children's delight. Now they are not just playing withthe numbers but also enjoying solving their maths problems.Just hand over the app to your kids and see them cracking theirsin an amazing way. It is a simple and entertainer maths app onyour mobile device.The application has addition, subtraction, multiplication,division and what comes before, after and in between sums for themto solve as per their age and skill.You just hand over the maths app for kids and see the magic. Youwill hear clapping sound and see their teething smile of success ontheir face when they give correct answers.They can click on any levels-Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3according to their age and skill. They will have problem in frontof them with four options. They will calculate the sum and selectthe answer. If the answer is right, they will get applauds and ifit is wrong, they will be buzzed X and they can try again till theyget right answer.There is no limitation to the number of maths problems they cansolve in whatever category they choose. With more challenges andincrease in complexities these little solvers move from one levelto another, making this app quite engrossing.You can feel yourself composed with satisfaction when you seethe spark in their eyes as they solve the math problems.Its features include :1. Different levels to select- Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 as perthe age of a child or capability.2. Options to select the right answer.3. Smiling emoticons and applauds as they are able to solve.You must be wondering how this app is important for you.1. It will build your child’s interest in Math.2. Increase mental and problem solving ability in them.3. Develop in kids curiosity to face the challenges throughdifficult level math questions4. Help you to understand their problem area by the results andperformance specifications.5. Stimulate in them enthusiasm to solve the Math problems.Avail of this unique opportunity by installing it free.“So be a smart parent of your smart child with this smarteducational app on your smart device”.
Photo Fun 1.7
This app help you create fun with your chosenphotos !!Modify and bring liveliness to yours or your friend’s photo,Photo Fun App is for you. It’s easy to use features can help you toadjust photos the way you like. You can add special effects, adjustcolor, add brightness to the photo and be naughty by adding colorto it.What's more, you can also share your photo created through photofun app through social networking websites, Facebook, Twitter andeven mail the same.You can either click photo through in built camera or selectimage from the Gallery and start playing with your photos.Beauty of the Photo Fun lies in its simplicity and easy to usefeatures that can enable you to manipulate your photo and even addadditional element to it by placing it in beautiful in builtframes. Select the frame and adjust it in the photo to add beautyand grace to it.You can save your created pictures on your gallery and wallpaperor even on your SD card and share it with friends through yourGmail and Facebook.Features:-Ability to add colors and adjust brightness and contrast.-Fine tuning of colors and beautifully designed frames for yourphoto.-Twist the image in any angle with skewing option.-Save it on your device.-Share it through Gmail or Facebook.It is said that a picture speaks thousand words. It is quitetrue, you can do that too by making the image or photo taken by youspeak million but not thousand words by being as creative aspossible with it. Moreover you can erase the colors you don’trequire.Ability of Photo Fun lies in its simplicity and fun filledfeatures. Its easy interface and in built camera is enough to benaughty with images and photos. You catch the picture of yourfriend and manipulate it the way you want. You don’t need to go tothe professional photographer for the same.If you want to utilize your space time and is a photo crazy,this app is for you. Download it and have a gala time by beingcreative with your own imagination on photos of your likes andchoice.
Love and Valentine Cards
Send personalized Love Cards on this ValentineDay with our Love Cards app !!Graceful yet simple, this app can bring smile on your beloved’sface. Choose from various Love Cards themes and choose from variouslove messages templates OR add your own custom message.This app also provides the option to choose from different designedframes, and makes it personalized by adding your photo through yourphoto album, internal camera and gallery.What you all have in this app:• View/Select lots of Love Themes• Personalize your Love Card• Choose one from excellent Love quotes OR add your own custom lovemessage• Add Your Favourite ImageYou can save and also share your creations and send them throughemail and share through Facebook and Twitter.We keep adding new cards in this Love Cards app, So keep checking!!Tags : Love Cards, Romance Cards, Valentine Cards, PersonalizedGreetings, Love Messages, Love and Valentine Cards
Phone Info 1.4
Phone Info is a smart utility application foryour android touch. It’s an application to provide you all thephone information which you require to know.Generally phone users are not aware of the basic informationabout their phones like its battery usage, memory capacity,version, storage used or left etc. This can cause muchinconvenience to them. But now they can get all info and much moreby installing “Phone Info” application on their device.What All You Have On Your “PHONE INFO” Application.? All about your Device: Name, Type, Version, Model etc.? Storage: Free Storage or Used Storage?? Battery Usage: Status of the battery and percentage left? Memory: RAM Status.Just download "Phone Info" application on your phone and get allthe required information. Isn’t it easy!
Kids Fruits Alphabets Musical
Have your kids learn their Alphabets andFruits with attractive pictures and engaging voices.The app "Kids Fruits Alphabets Musical” is an entertaining andeducational app to keep your child engaged as they navigate throughthe screens to discover the fruits as per their alphabets. This isa best way to help them have live experience as an attractive imageand the corresponding name of fruits is displayed along with sweetmusical voice over too.You hand over the kids “Kids Fruits Alphabets Musical” app onyour mobile and you will soon see the difference in your child.Instead of playing tantrums on you, they will in fact startdemanding fruits from you.It is easy to use, attractive, and so much engaging that it lureyour child to use it, play with it and also have great learningexperience.What's New in this Version- Extremely beautiful interface- Name of the fruits are pronounced out loud and clear.- Extremely simple swipe navigation for going forth andback easily.- Beautiful illustrative images of the fruits.- Kid-dish Font in interactive interface.And what's more you can indulge your kid with interestingpuzzles to help them remember the name of fruits.Download your app fast and make your child an achiever.
Kids Memory Game - Match & Win 1.6
Its fun, its exciting but still very easy toplay. Helps increase observation and memory power of the kid. TapIt. Flip it, Match it and Win.Oh! What an exciting moment it is for you too when you see yourlittle one’s clap and drool as they match their favoriteimages.How stimulating this memory game is for your kids, let’ssee! As your kids tap the cards, they are flapped Attractive images for your child to remember Cards disappear when successfully matched Keep their excitement level high Limited number of trials Display of ‘Your Tries” and “Total Tries”.Way to Win! Go To level One. Start tapping your cards. Remember the image. Select the matching image and continue to tap till all the cardshave been selected.Go to Level two and then to Level Three .. and so on.How the game is really a Memory Game or Memory Power : Enhance thinking power Stimulate their brain - Increase memory power Increases concentration level and awareness Stir their senses Make them visually strong and audibly reflective.Highlights Increase memory and retention power.Beauty of Kids Memory Game lies in its ease to play and crackmultiple levels.
Talwar Jewellers 1.71
We, at Talwar Jewellers, have been providingyou with gold and diamond jewels for more then 100 years. The LateShri Tarsem Lal Talwar, established a presence in Chandigarh formthe year the city was founded in 1954. Now order online jewellerswith our mobile app or visit us at Shop No. 220, 2nd Floor,Industrial Area Phase - 1, Elante Mall, Chandigarh.
Best Restaurant
Best is a family restaurant situated in thecenter of city beautiful. With it's delicious recipes, this is thebest restaurants in Chandigarh. Our speciality is North Indian andChinese. Kindly visit us at SCF 20, Sector 20-D or use our MobileApp to serve you with our quality food. We assure you of quick andprompt service. Try our food at home by ordering through App andenjoy fabulous offers. Try our food by online food ordering throughour App or else dine-in at SCO 20, Sector 20-D, Chandigarh.
The Buraans Chandigarh
The Buraans is a family restaurant situated inthe center of city beautiful. With it's delicious recipes, this isthe restaurant of choice for the Tricity residents. Our specialityis North Indian, Tandoor, Chinese and Italian. Kindly visit us atShop No. 160, Sector 40C or use our Mobile App to serve you withour quality food. We assure you of quick and prompt service. Tryour food at home by ordering through App and enjoy fabulousoffers.
The Singh Eleven,P-11,Mohali 1.4
The Singhs XI Hotel and Restaurants offersrooms to meet each travelers’ requirements. From boutique-stylesingle rooms to family rooms sleeping up to five adults in additionto youngsters, the majority of our rooms offer facilities. Amulti-channel LCD TV and Tea and coffee making offices are givenand in addition a free in-room safe. With it's delicious recipes,this is the best restaurant of choice in Mohali and Chandigarh. Ourspecialties are Tandoori, North Indian, and Chinese. Kindly visitus at SCF 94, SAS Nagar, Phase 11, Sector 65, Mohali, or orderonline food through our Mobile App to serve you with our qualityfood. We assure you of quick and prompt service. Try our food athome by ordering through App and enjoy fabulous offers.
Amritsari Zaika, Sec 37, Chd 1.6
Our speciality is Amritsari kulcha which givesauthentic taste of Amritsar. Kindly visit us at Shop Number 326,Vidya Path, Sector 37D, Chandigarh or order online food through ourMobile App to serve you with our quality food. We assure you ofquick and prompt service. Try our food at home by ordering throughApp and enjoy fabulous offers.
Desi Tadka, Sec 49, Chandigarh 1.5
Desi Tadka known for its Quality and Hygieneis one of the best restaurant in Chandigarh. We also providecatering service for parties and marriages. Place your online foodorders on the app with our new full menu and get our latestpromotions. Kindly visit us at Booth No. 20, Sector 49 A,Chandigarh, or use our Mobile App to order online food and serveyou with our quality food. We assure you of quick and promptservice. Try our food at home by ordering through App and enjoyfabulous offers.
Town's King, Sec 44,Chandigarh 1.8
With it's delicious recipes, this is therestaurant of choice for the Tricity residents. Our specialties areTandoori, Indian and Chinese. You can order food online through ourApp or else dine-in at Shop Number 334, Sector-44-D, Chandigarh.Weassure you of quick and prompt service. Try our food at home byordering through App and enjoy fabulous offers.
Mr. Rooster 1.4
With it's delicious recipes, this is therestaurant of choice for the Tricity residents. Our specialitiesare American (New), American (Traditional), Back to My Photos,Burgers, Chinese, Fast Food, Mexican, Sandwiches, Seafood andVegetarian. Skipped your breakfast today or it's that "Teeny-Weeny"call from your tummy? Mr.Rooster's Grilled Sandwich is a one-stopanswer to it all.What? Haven't tried it yet? Kindly visit us at Ground Floor, SCF 5,Phase 5, Mohali or use our Mobile App to serve you with our qualityfood. We assure you of quick and prompt service. Try our food athome by ordering through App and enjoy fabulous offers.
ValueAppz 1.53
ValueAppz - The Store Owner's App
The Tangerine 1.6
The Tangerine Lounge is one of the bestrestaurants in Chandigarh, Panchkula and Mohali. You can order foodonline through our App or else dine-in at DSS 99, MansadeviComplex, Sector 5 Panchkula. Our quest to excel in food linestarted and is driven by our will to provide Healthy & Tastyfood who are outright Foodies or are people who like to try andappreciate good food regularly. With a humble beginning five yearsearlier in a small Punjab town in the name and style “Saadi PunjabiRasoi” our journey has been quite tough considering that thepromoter Dr. Mrs. Prabhjot Guron who had almost negligible exposureto fooding business took up the challenge with the able Support ofMr.Ajay Dhingra(Mgr.) who had more than 15 years exposure in thesame line. Thus “The Tangerine” took birth.
Blue Chilli 1.4
After having an experience of more than 20years in this industry, we started our own catering service andhave now started Blue Chilli restaurant which serves authenticbiryani and home made cuisines. Now you can order on the go.We are one of the best restaurants in Tricity dedicated todeliver you with an array of facilities at our reception desk witha fine dining place.
La Pino'z Pizza Panchkula 2.01
La Pinoz was founded to provide a highquality, freshly prepared, hot meal delivered on time, every time.Despite a lot of struggles along the way, hard work and integrityhas paid off and our modest plan grew into something far bigger andmore successful than we had ever imagined. The company is stillgrowing today and already has many pizza delivery outlets acrossThe North India. Now la pinoz offers pizza ordering in Panchkula,try our pizza at home by ordering online pizza through our App elsedine in at DSS 265, First Floor, Sector 20, Panchkula
Khane Khaas, Sec 4, Panchkula 1.5
Khane Khaas is one of the best restaurants inPanchkula with it's active kitchen services it offers for cateringto the food requirements. Our rich expertise and expertise in thefood catering field as well as expertise in understanding andmeeting client’s requirements also allows us to perfectly match upwith the specific catering demands of the customers. Further, wealso ensure quality food ingredients are used as well as healthypractices are maintained while cooking which helps in maintainingbest tastes in the food dishes prepared. Kindly visit us at ShopNo. 16, Sector 4, Panchkula or order online food through our MobileApp to serve you with our quality food.
Prakriti Fresh 1.5
When Fresh is Best Prakriti Fresh - Offeringyou a safer way to enjoy Fruits & Vegetables at most economicalrate. Our Ozone cleaning and Bubble wash technology removepesticides, harmful bacteria and other residues on Fruits andVegetables effectively. Now order online fruits and vegetablesthrough our app and get fresh fruits and vegetables delivered atyour doorstep. Same day delivery along with quality assurance.Services offered in and around Chandigarh
Wah Ji Wah Sec 34, Chandigarh 1.8
With it's delicious recipes, this is the bestrestaurant in Chandigarh. Wah Ji Wah takes out a leaf from theculinary extravaganzas of the “Tandoori Cuisines” and brings to youa “repast” of Indian food, in an ambiance and hospitality,evocative of those golden times, when every meal was a feast, andevery feast, a gourmet’s delight. Now you can order online foodthrough our App or else dine-in at Shop No. 245, Furniture Market,Vignesh Kaushik Avenue, Sub. City Center, Sector 34 C,Chandigarh.
Hundred Spices 1.4
Hundred Spices is a one of the bestrestaurantsituated in city beautiful. With it's delicious recipes,this isthe restaurant of choice for the Tricity residents.Ourspecialities are Tandoori, Indian and Chinese. Kindly visit usatSCO 85, Sector 38C, Chandigarh or use our Mobile App foronlinefood ordering to serve you with our quality food. We assureyou ofquick and prompt service. Try our food at home by orderingthroughApp and enjoy fabulous offers.
Nandini, Sec. 22, Chandigarh 1.21
Unparalleled designed, impeccable quality andstrong commitment towards satisfying clients immensely has helpedus emerging as a prominent name in this dynamic industry. We remainadhere towards the set quality norms and guidelines of industry,which have helped us maintaining excellence in our entire gamut.Now order online clothing through our mobile app or visit our storeat SCO 1110-1111, Basement, Near Sai Sweets, Sec. 22-B,Chandigarh.
Food O'9, Sec 38, Chandigarh 1.1
Food O’9 is an On-demand Online fooddeliverycompany. We at Food O’9 provide you authentic North IndianFood anddelectable Rolls prepared under most hygienic conditions atyourdoorstep. All our meals are designed by chefs ranging fromCompletemeals, Rice Combos, Crisp Parantha Combos to Main course,Dessertsand Rolls. Our strength lies in our team which comprisesofChefs(those have international work experience) andtechnologygraduates.Our emphasis on technology and our own deliverysystemhelps us to deliver fresh food in a time span of 45 minutes.Now,you no longer need to battle to go to the restaurant, try ourfoodat home by ordering online food through our App and enjoyfabulousoffers.
Chhatwal Haveli,PhaseXI,Mohali 1.4
Chhatwal's Haveli, where excellence intasteand quality in service, combine to provide you with amemorabledining experience. This is one of the best restaurant inMohali.Our specialities: Punjabi food includes classic favoritesuch asTandoori chicken, Naan, parathas, Aloo Tikki, Makke di RotiandSarson ka Saag and many more. Exceptional features ofourrestaurant are: Gratifying environment & ambianceLusciousmulti-cuisine menu cooked with rich aromatic spicesBespoke&timely services Try our food at home by online foodorderingthrough App and enjoy fabulous offers or dine in at SCF76-77, NearGurudwara Sahib, Phase XI, Mohali.
Garima's Cafe, Sec 71, Mohali 1.4
Garima’s Cafe provides a High Quality,freshlyprepared, Snacks, Chinese and North Indian Food. Bestrestaurant inMohali especially Non Veg category. Chicken rarha isone of thebest meal they serve. The Chicken quality is nice andsoft, tenderand fresh and Tastes good. They also provide HomeDelivery and AirConditioned Facilities. Kindly visit us at Booth no105-106, Sector71, Mohali, or order online food through our MobileApp to serveyou with our quality food.
Lazeez Rasoi, Sec 12,Panchkula 1.6
We serve Indian and Chinese delicious foodthrough mobile app for tricity residents. Lazeez Rasoi is reallygood for either a morning Breakfast, Lunch or an evening Dinner andone of the best restaurants in Panchkula. Quite reasonably pricemeals with an amazing taste. Good food, reasonable servings,quality staff, pleasing ambience and all this at a really goodprice which wont displease your pocket at all. Both Vegetarian andNon-vegetarian Food Available upon prior order. Visit us at BoothNo. 25 Sector 12, Panchkula or use our Mobile App for online foodordering to serve you with our quality food.
F Eleven, Phase XI, Mohali 1.4
We are one of the best restaurants inMohalidedicated to deliver you with an array of facilities atourreception desk with a fine dining place. Treat your appetite atFEleven. Now you can order online food through our App orelsedine-in at SCF 51, Phase 11, Sector 65, Mohali. QualityandQuantity assured. Special arrangement for ladies kitty&birthday parties. Address: Phone:0172 463 3386 Hours: 11:00 AM–11:00 PM
My Resto, MDC Panchkula 1.6
My Restaurant provides Healthy & Tastyfood who are outright Foodies or are people who like to try andappreciate good food regularlyand comes among the best restaurantsin Panchkula. With a humble beginning five years earlier in a smallPunjab town in the name and style “Saadi Punjabi Rasoi” our journeyhas been quite tough considering that the promoter Dr. Mrs. HarjotGuron who had almost negligible exposure to fooding business tookup the challenge with the able Support of Mr.Ajay Sharma(Mgr.) whohad more than 15 years exposure in the same line. Thus “MyRestaurant” took birth. We take pleasure in offering you a familyrestaurant/lounge which has a Multi-Cuisine menu with a world classtaste. You can order online food through our App or else dine-in atDSS 99, Mansadevi Complex, Sector 5 Panchkula.
Seravit, Mumbai, Maharashtra 1.5
Established in Mumbai, we, Seravit are one ofthe leading wholesalers of a wide assortment of sanitary wares. Ourentire range is procured from authentic vendors ensuring it is atpar with international quality standards. Manufactured usingquality raw material, our product line is in popular demand fordurability, high tensile strength and resistance to wear &tear. Additionally, we also offer intensive after sales servicefacility to our esteemed clients. Our professionals take upinstallation, commissioning and after sales activity for all ourentire range. Order online sanitary wares at home through App andenjoy fabulous offers.
CafeSweetTooth 1.4
Bringing a new experience to thebeautifulcity, Cafe Sweet Tooth is the premium and best Cafe inChandigarh,Bakery and Patisserie in town to offer authenticEuropeanconfectionery products. Recreating the updown ambiance ofaEuropean bistro in store, Sweet Tooth offers baked delightsalongwith a wide range of healthy bites, hot and cold beverages.Weinvite you to stop by, take in the crisp airy ambiance, sip inafreshly brewed coffee, bite into exotic breads, caress yoursweettooth and let time stand still as you romance theincomparableflavours of Europe. You can also enjoy this, by ouronline cafe onthe go using our mobile app and we deliver you theexoticexperience at your place.
Big Chef, Sector 20,Chandigarh 1.4
This tandoori meat shop is full of dozens ofscrumptious chicken options to choose from, with spicy kebabs,tikkas, and mouth-watering Butter Chicken. Order a plate of MuttonSeekh Kebab with the deliciously brewed Chicken Corn Soup, orButter Naans with Black Pepper Chicken, and it’s worth every penny.The rates are mid-range so this youthful/family open seatingrestaurant is heavenly for a non-vegetarian. While the vegetarianoptions are limited and not recommended if you are a hardcorenon-vegetarian, and are looking for a cheap and wholesome meal,this is where you should be. Their Chicken Bawarchi is is a musthave. Try our food at home by online food ordering through ourMobile App else dine-in at Booth No 35, Sector 20-d,Chandigarh.
Pal Dhaba Chandigarh 1.31
The Pal Dhaba serves food for breakfast, lunchand dinner making sure that food is fresh, best ingredients areused and is adequately served. The prices charged by us are veryless of the quality we put in our products. An evergreen Dhabapopular for it's Chicken and Mutton dishes. Try our food at home byordering through App else visit our restaurants in Chandigarh andenjoy fabulous offers.
Garden Chef 1.3
GARDEN CHEF is renowned name in the Chinesefood and has started the first company owned outlet at Lodhi RoadNew Delhi in 2001. It is a specialty exclusive Chinese food outletpriced moderately. Our Dwarka outlet serves Indian, Mughlai &Tandoor along with chinese delicacies. Garden Chef assures homedelivery to any locality through their Mobile App else visit ourrestaurants in sector -7, Dwarka New Delhi.
Chilli 'n' Pepper 1.1
Chilli 'n' Pepper is a Multi-cuisineRestaurant& Bistro. Founded in 2009, Chilli 'n' Pepper firstfood joint toserve Desi Chinese Food at an affordable price andbest quality.Reborn & Reopened on 14th December 2015 as Chilli'n' Pepper, ithas introduced their Mobile App for online foodordering elsedine-in at Shop No -6,Neelgiri CHS, Sector 4, NewPanvel, NaviMumbai
Sam's Pizza 1.4
Sam’s Pizza and salad bar are based on theunlimited concept. It gives a choice of an array of vegetarianpizzas, garlic crispies, varieties of chilled salads and chocolatebrownies with ice cream. Sam’s outlets are highly popular forsocial gatherings like children’s birthday party, teenager’s partyand kitty parties. The motto of Sam’s Pizza is to deliver the bestat the most affordable rates and it faithfully adheres to itspromise. Try our delicious pizza at home by ordering through Appelse visit SCO - 11, Madhya Marg, Sector 26, Chandigarh
Shoppeboard 1.31
Shoppeboard is not an Ecommerce Website but isa Movement. Shoppeboard is a Network of Shoppers and Sellers.Shoppeboard is also a commitment that you will never be treated asa product like Social Networks treat you but your privacy is alwaysin your control. All this to make sure you enjoy your Shoppingexperience without any fear and the only objective in your mind isSavings. Shoppeboard has introduced their Mobile App for onlineordering else visit Sushant Shopping Arcade, Sushant Lok 1,Gurgaon, Haryana 122002.
Harish Bakery 1.3
Harish Bakery have loved to cater tasty andhygienic products to people of Gurgaon and Delhi. The food isundoubtedly amazing and whether you want to savor continental,Chinese or traditional Indian dishes, you have a variety to chooseand order from. In our effort to reach out to more and more peoplewe have introduced our Mobile App. Try our food at home by orderingthrough App else visit our restaurants in Gurgaon and enjoyfabulous offers..
Sighri 1.5
Sighri, a restaurant that serves Indian,Mughlai and Chinese cuisine, was established in February 2012. Froma humble start as a small take-away restaurant in Janakpuri, Sighrihas captured the imagination and taste buds of customers across 4locations in Delhi NCR. You can choose to visit the restaurant fora casual dining experience or have it delivered straight to yourdoorstep by ordering through App.
Wah G Wah 1.5
Wah G Wah is known for its 100% pure veg menuwith delicious food and budget price. Wah G Wah is a pure vegoutlet located in Janakpuri, Jail Road, Shalimar Bagh and ModelTown. Everyone can enjoy its own taste with a wide range of menu.Kindly visit us or use our Mobile App for online ordering to tasteand share your experience anytime, anywhere.Wah G Wah is a real delicacy for the lovers of Indian PunjabiCuisines.
King of Shakes 1.1
King of Shakes known as the front runner inthefast food business where the true sense of hospitality canbesmelled. King of Shakes is an output of my rich experienceinhospitality industry in India & Abroad.We aim to build the world’s best fast food across categories,toput fast food on the global plate permanently, to have the bestinindustry standards for quality and consistency, to achievenearperfect customer satisfaction levels.As small stone is the base of very big building so as ourfirstoutlet is the front face of fast food empire Shop. Visit Us at#2,Royal Palace, Sector 2, Kharghar,Navi Mumbai, Mumbai,Maharashtra410210 or use our Mobile App for online ordering totaste and shareyour experience anytime, anywhere.
Tandoor Ka Zaika 1.5
A simple restaurant which offers good quality of nonveg food forthe nearby residents. With good food quality we focus more on thequantity and size of food served. A good place to order instantfood from App. Kindly visit us at LCB-4, Main Road, JanakpuriDistrict Centre, Delhi - 110058, Near Janakpuri West Metro Stationor use our Mobile App to serve you with our quality food. We assureyou of quick and prompt service.
Chawlas 2 Chandigarh 1.6
Chawla's 2 is a long-established local chainrestaurant serving a range of Punjabi-style chicken dishes and oneof the best restaurants in Chandigarh. They serve the mostauthentic and delectable Indian, Mughlai & Chinese Cuisine. Thefood prepared is of the best quality. Serving top- notch dishes toyou is our passion. Have a look at our vivid menu and choose yourfavorite. If you are craving for delicious spicy chicken cuisine,Chawla's is the best choice. We will be glad to dish up for you.Now you can order online food through our App.
MyCity Buzz-Offers in Tricity 1.95
“Damn! I missed that awesome Sale! God, whycouldn’t you let me know?”Why poke God when you have the saviour - MyCity Buzz? SignitySolutions bring a whole new and hassle-free way to help you findabout latest Sales, Offers & Deals around your location.MyCity Buzz, your Local Shopping Guide, helps you find amazing andexceptional Sales, Offers and Deals in and around ChandigarhTricity (Panchkula, Mohali, Zirakpur and Kharar), for:Online StoresFood and RestaurantsSalons and SpasHealth and FitnessGarment & Shoes Stores/OutletsGroceryKids’ Interests and EssentialsFestive Offers & Special AttractionsMore Miscellaneous Deals from across the City andsurroundingsWhy MyCity Buzz?Sales: Not just offers, MCB also fetches info about amazing Salesat your favorite virtual as well as real storesHome Delivery: The offers at MCB App are very much for HomeDelivery goods and commodities as well. Try it to believe it!Location based Insights: You get Sales, Offers and Deals insightsbased on your geo-location, so you don’t run about and get tiredaround markets and malls searching for the most suitableoffers.Hassle-free Merchant Registration and Console: If you or someoneyou know wants to register with MCB as a merchant and showcaseoffers, its absolutely free of cost with a very compatible,customized backend console to publish your offers and deals.Secured, Light, Up-and-running App: The MyCity Buzz is a light,secured and a very user-friendly app quality tested to help youfind offers and deals on the go.Responsive (or round the Clock) Support: Have questions, queries orsuggestions? MyCity Buzz offers Customer Helpline to get you out ofany hassle that you might have.With MyCity Buzz, fulfill all your shopping desires right in oneapp and get rid of the multiple apps on your device for fetchingfood or dining deals, shopping vouchers, coupon codes, grocerydiscounts and more.
ApnaLala 1.2
ApnaLala - Online Grocery Shopping Store.Atpresent we operate in Chandigarh and Panchkula providingfreshproducts to your doorstep at a click of a buttom, anytimeanywhere.We beleive to make online shopping of groceries simple, fastandefficient with the assurance of quality and customerservice.Now use our Mobile App for online ordering. We assure youofquick and prompt service.
Love & Romance Quotes 1.8
Send and share these breathtaking love quotes to your lover’sdelight, and show the romantic side of you. Huge collection ofquality Romantic Quotes, which are updated periodically. Forwardthem to your loved one to show that you care. You can flick throughthese love quotes, save and mark as favorites and send the sameacross SMS, email and other social networking sites. Even so youare distanced apart or near, these quotes will bridge all thedistances to make your souls touch and love each other with eternallove and the divine grace. Simple and elegant to look, this LoveQuotes app serves you with many features to avail of and use as peryour choice and likes: *Push Notifications for getting quicklynotified of any new quotes *A Guide Tour- A map to guide you intothe app *Set Your Music on/off- A music you would love to playwhile reading the quotes *Get the randomly generated quotes *Add toyour favorites for you to add the quote in your list of favoritesand *Share the quotes with your loved ones and friends alikethrough social networking sites. As “L+Q” = Love Quotes , quotes toadd passion in your love and to ring the everlasting romantic tunesin your lovers ears for the cherishing memories and loving moments.Love quotes: Love Quotes, Romance, Love Messages, Love Forwards,Love SMS, Quotes, Romantic Messages, Romantic SMS, Valentine,Romantic Forwards, Valentine's Quotes, Love Greetings, Valentine'sMessages, Valentines Quotes, Valentines Messages, Valentine's Day,Valentine’s Day, Romantic Quotes, Love Poems, Valentines Greetings,Passion, Rose, Love, Heart